


Use TTEST to compare the values from two samples and determine if they are from populations with the same mean or not. This is used only if the two populations are normally distributed.

To Calculate

=TTEST(Array1, Array2, Tails, Type)

All arguments are required for this function.


Indicates an integer value of 1 or 2 that specifies the number of distribution tails to return. A value of 1 returns a one-tailed distribution. A value of 2 returns a two-tailed distribution.


Indicates an integer value of 1, 2, or 3 that specifies the kind of T-Test to perform. A value 1 one indicates a paired test, 2 a two-sample equal variance test, and 3 a two-sample unequal variance test.


Figure 15-49 shows how TTEST is used to compare two arrays and determine the probability that the sample means come from populations with the same mean. Here we can see there is no reason to disbelieve the hypothesis that the two population means are the same.

Use TTEST to compare two arrays and determine if they are from populations with the same mean

Figure 15-49. Use TTEST to compare two arrays and determine if they are from populations with the same mean

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