


Use ATAN2 to determine the arctangent if you have the x and y coordinates for an angle. The result of the function is expressed in radians.

To Calculate

=ATAN2(X_Num, Y_Num)

The X_Num and Y_Num arguments are required for this function.


Specifies a numeric value that represents the x-coordinate of the point.


Specifies a numeric value that represents the y-coordinate of the point.


Figure 14-4 illustrates how you can take the x and y coordinates for an angle and determine the arctangent. This figure also uses DEGREES to convert the radian measurement that is returned by ATAN2 to a degree value.

If you know the x and y coordinates of an angle you can determine the arctangent

Figure 14-4. If you know the x and y coordinates of an angle you can determine the arctangent

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