


Use COUPDAYBS (an Analysis ToolPak function) to determine the number of days between the start of the coupon period and the settlement date for a security. In order to use this function you must know the settlement date for the security, when the security matures, and the frequency of the coupon payments.

To Calculate

=COUPDAYBS(Settlement, Maturity, Frequency, Basis)

The Basis argument is the only optional argument. The other arguments must have values.


Figure 12-3 illustrates how you can determine the number of days between the start of a coupon period and the settlement date. Keep in mind that in order to use this function you must know the settlement date, maturity date, and how often the payments are made each year.

There are several different functions available for determining specific information related to coupon dates

Figure 12-3. There are several different functions available for determining specific information related to coupon dates

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