Exam Ref 70-483 Programming in C#, Second Edition

Book description

Prepare for the latest versions of Microsoft Exam 70-483 and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of modern C# programming. Designed for experienced C# developers ready to advance their status, Exam Ref focuses on the critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the MCSA level.

Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives:


  • Manage program flow
  • Create and use types
  • Debug applications and implement security
  • Implement data access


This Microsoft Exam Ref:


  • Organizes its coverage by exam objectives
  • Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you
  • Assumes you have experience programming essential business logic with C# for diverse application types, hardware, and software platforms



For details on requirements for taking Exam 70-483 go to https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-70-483.aspx

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication Page
  5. Contents at a Glance
  6. Contents
  7. Introduction
    1. Organization of this book
    2. Microsoft certifications
    3. Quick access to online references
    4. Errata, updates, & book support
    5. Stay in touch
  8. Preparing for the exam
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. About the Author
  11. Chapter 1 Manage program flow
    1. Skill 1.1: Implement multithreading and asynchronous processing
      1. The Task Parallel library
      2. Parallel LINQ
      3. Tasks
      4. Continuation Tasks
      5. Threads and ThreadPool
      6. Tasks and the User Interface
      7. Using async and await
      8. Using concurrent collections
    2. Skill 1.2: Manage multithreading
      1. Resource synchronization
      2. Implementing locking
      3. Cancelling a long-running task
      4. Implementing thread-safe methods
    3. Skill 1.3 Implement program flow
      1. Iterating across collections
      2. Program decisions
      3. Evaluating expressions
    4. Skill 1.4: Create and implement events and callbacks
      1. Event handlers
      2. Unsubscribing from a delegate
      3. Using events
      4. Create events with built-in delegate types
      5. Create delegates
      6. Use lambda expressions (anonymous methods)
      7. Anonymous methods
    5. Skill 1.5 Implement exception handling
      1. Exception types
      2. The try-catch construction
      3. Using the base class of an exception
      4. Implement try-catch-finally blocks
      5. Throwing exceptions
      6. Rethrowing an exception
      7. Creating custom exceptions
      8. Handling inner exceptions
      9. Handling aggregate exceptions
      10. Exceptions as part of managed error handing
    6. Thought experiments
      1. 1 Using multiple tasks
      2. 2 Managing multithreading
      3. 3 Program flow
      4. 4 Events and callbacks
      5. 5 Exceptions
    7. Though experiment answers
      1. 1 Using multiple tasks
      2. 2 Managing multithreading
      3. 3 Program flow
      4. 4 Events and callbacks
      5. 5 Exceptions
    8. Chapter summary
  12. Chapter 2 Create and use types
    1. Skill 2.1: Create types
      1. Value and reference types
      2. Creating value types
      3. Creating reference types
    2. Skill 2.2: Consume types
      1. Boxing and unboxing
      2. Cast types
    3. Skill 2.3: Enforce encapsulation
      1. Access modifiers
      2. Enforce encapsulation by using properties
      3. Enforce encapsulation by using accessors
      4. Enforce encapsulation by using explicit interface implementation
    4. Skill 2.4: Create and implement a class hierarchy
      1. Design and implement an interface
      2. Inherit from a base class
      3. Create and implement classes based on the IComparable, IEnumerable, IDisposable, and IUnknown interfaces
    5. Skill 2.5: Find, execute, and create types at runtime by using reflection
      1. Create and apply attributes
      2. Read attributes
      3. Using reflection
      4. Generate code at runtime by using CodeDOM and Lambda expressions
      5. Use types from the System.Reflection namespace
    6. Skill 2.6: Manage the object life cycle
      1. Garbage collection in .NET
      2. Manage unmanaged resources
      3. Implement IDisposable, including interaction with finalization
      4. Manage IDisposable by using the Using statement
      5. Manage finalization and garbage collection
    7. Skill 2.7: Manipulate strings
      1. The string type
      2. Manipulate strings by using the StringBuilder, StringWriter, and StringReader classes
      3. Search strings
      4. Enumerate string methods
      5. Format strings
      6. Use string interpolation
    8. Thought experiments
      1. 1 Creating types
      2. 2 Consuming types
      3. 3 Enforce encapsulation
      4. 4 Create and implement a class hierarchy
      5. 5 Find, execute, and create types at runtime by using reflection
      6. 6 Manage the object life cycle
      7. 7 Manipulate strings
    9. Thought experiment answers
      1. 1 Creating types
      2. 2 Consuming types
      3. 3 Enforce encapsulation
      4. 4 Create and implement a class hierarchy
      5. 5 Find, execute, and create types at runtime by using reflection
      6. 6 Manage the object life cycle
      7. 7 Manipulate strings
    10. Chapter summary
  13. Chapter 3 Debug applications and implement security
    1. Skill 3.1: Validate application input
      1. Using JSON
      2. Validate JSON data
      3. Choose the appropriate data collection type
      4. Use the Entity Framework to design your data storage
      5. Manage data integrity
      6. Evaluate a regular expression to validate the input format
      7. Use built-in functions to validate data type and content
    2. Skill 3.2: Perform symmetric and asymmetric encryption
      1. Cryptography and cryptoanalysis
      2. Symmetric and asymmetric encryption
      3. Data encryption using AES symmetric encryption
      4. Encrypting data using other symmetric standards
      5. Implementing public and private key management
      6. Digital signatures and certificates
      7. Implement the System.Security namespace
      8. Data integrity by hashing data
      9. Encrypting streams
    3. Skill 3.3: Manage assemblies
      1. Version assemblies
      2. Sign assemblies using strong names
      3. The Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
      4. Implement side-by-side hosting
      5. Put an assembly in the global assembly cache
      6. Create a WinMD assembly
    4. Skill 3.4: Debug an application
      1. Create and manage preprocessor compiler directives
      2. Choose an appropriate build configuration
      3. Manage programming program database files and (debug symbols)
    5. Skill 3.5: Implement diagnostics in an application
      1. Implement logging and tracing
      2. Profiling applications
      3. Create and monitor performance counters
      4. Write to the event log
    6. Thought experiments
      1. 1 Validate application input
      2. 2 Perform symmetric and asymmetric encryption
      3. 3 Manage assemblies
      4. 4 Debug an application
      5. 5 Implement diagnostics in an application
    7. Thought experiment answers
      1. 1 Validate application input
      2. 2 Perform symmetric and asymmetric encryption
      3. 3 Manage assemblies
      4. 4 Debug an application
      5. 5 Implement diagnostics in an application
    8. Chapter summary
  14. Chapter 4 Implement data access
    1. Skill 4.1: Perform I/O operations
      1. Read and write files and streams
      2. Files storage
      3. Read and write from the network by using classes in the System.Net namespace
      4. Implement asynchronous I/O operations
    2. Skill 4.2: Consume data
      1. Retrieve data from a database
      2. Update data in a database
      3. Consume JSON and XML data
      4. Retrieve data by using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
    3. Skill 4.3: Query and manipulate data and objects by using LINQ
      1. Sample application
      2. Create method-based LINQ queries
      3. Query data by using query comprehension syntax
      4. Select data by using anonymous types
      5. Force execution of a query
      6. Read, filter, create, and modify data structures by using LINQ to XML
    4. Skill 4.4: Serialize and deserialize data by using binary serialization, custom serialization, XML Serializer, JSON Serializer, and Data Contract Serializer
      1. Sample data
      2. Use binary serialization
      3. Use custom serialization
      4. Manage versions with binary serialization
      5. Use XML serializer
      6. Use JSON Serializer
      7. Use Data Contract Serializer
    5. Skill 4.5: Store data in and retrieve data from collections
      1. Store and retrieve data by using dictionaries, arrays, lists, sets, and queues
      2. Choose a collection type
      3. Initialize a collection
      4. Add and remove items from a collection
      5. Use typed vs. non-typed collections
      6. Implement custom collections
      7. Implement collection interfaces
    6. Thought experiments
      1. 1 Perform I/O operations
      2. 2 Consume data
      3. 3 Query and manipulate data and objects by using LINQ
      4. 4 Serialize and deserialize data
      5. 5 Store data in and retrieve data from collections
    7. Thought experiment answers
      1. 1 Perform I/O operations
      2. 2 Consume data
      3. 3 Query and manipulate data and objects by using LINQ
      4. 4 Serialize and deserialize data
      5. 5 Store data in and retrieve data from collections
    8. Chapter summary
  15. Index
  16. Code Snippets

Product information

  • Title: Exam Ref 70-483 Programming in C#, Second Edition
  • Author(s): Rob Miles
  • Release date: August 2018
  • Publisher(s): Microsoft Press
  • ISBN: 9780134891804