1 An operon is a coordinately expressed group of adjacent coding sequences under the control of a common regulatory site [53].

2 Eukaryotic—literally “true kernel”—organisms have a defined nucleus containing chromosomes surrounded by a membrane. Bacteria, such as E. coli, are prokaryotic organisms that do not have a defined nucleus.

3 Budding yeast is called Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or brewer’s yeast, because it is the organism that ferments most beers.

1 See Natalie Angier’s 2008 New York Times article “Scientists and Philosophers Find That ‘Gene’ Has a Multitude of Meanings” at http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/11/science/11angi.html?_r=3&sq=RNA%20genes&st=cse&scp=2&pagewanted=print.

2 A bacterium of such economic significance that it has been ...

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