
Following are references for the information provided in each chapter. Some articles are direct references to articles by authors whose work is called out within the text. Others provide material to reinforce statements made without direct attribution in an attempt to keep the content flowing.

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About the Technical Editor

Dan Lockton’s Design With Intent Toolkit:


Tom Sawyer quote: Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens). The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The American Publishing Company, 1884.


Saint Augustine quote: “Humilitas homines sanctis angelis similes facit, et superbia ex angelis demones facit.” as quoted in Manipulus Florum (c. 1306), edited by Thomas Hibernicus.

Cognitive dissonance

Leon Festinger proposed the theory of cognitive dissonance after he studied the aftermath of Dorothy Martin’s December 21, 1954, end of the world prediction. Yes, these predictions seem to happen with alarming frequency: Leon Festinger. A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Illinois: Row, Peterson, 1957.

Harold Camping quote: Retrieved January 2012.

Ig Nobel prize winners, by year: “Winners of the Ig Nobel Prize.” Improbable Research ( Retrieved November 2012.

Social proof

Apple Store photo credit: Chris Nodder.

Repeat positive messages

Milgram’s sky experiment (group size): Stanley Milgram, Leonard ...

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