
I came to writing reluctantly. My dirty little secret is that I got a D in college English.

I know, I know…so why am I writing a foreword for a book about writing? Because if I can learn to write well, so can you! And as the author of three best-selling books about communicating, I know how powerful great communication can be.

And anyway, do you really have a choice? Shouldn't you be writing better than you probably do now? There is a lot of barfy marketing content out there. It might be accurate, but it's often not interesting.

When I was talked into writing my first book, I set two objectives for myself:

  1. To first believe I could do it, and…
  2. To devour as many books about writing as possible.

That was in 2008. Man, I wish this book was around then.

This book inspires you to become a stronger writer. And it does so with style. In typical Handley fashion, every page will make you laugh, or at least smile. Ann is one of very few writers who can make me feel a cocktail of emotions in a single paragraph.

You should devour this book if you're a communicator, regardless of your title, position, years of experience, or job description. Because everybody writes.

If Strunk and White's The Elements of Style and Stephen King's On Writing had a baby, this would be it.

Be prepared to be delighted and to write better!

—Nancy DuarteOwner, Duarte Design;Author of Slide:ology and ResonateHarvard Business Review Guide to Persuasive PresentationsMountain View, CA

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