22Find a Writing Buddy

If writing were a sport, it would be a tennis match played against a brick wall, or a solo game of tetherball. You can do it, but it's a little lonely.

Finding a writing buddy can feel like having someone to train and volley with. Together you might brainstorm ideas, give new writing a first read, give feedback, suggest improvements…in short, prod each other to do better work. A writing buddy is someone who's in your corner.

Friends and colleagues can certainly play that role if you share a similar sensibility. Or you can connect with like-minded writers online. You can find and connect with other writers in countless online forums, LinkedIn communities, and Google and Facebook groups to share resources and ideas. Most of them have a literary bent.

Here are some with member bases that are either made up of generalists or nonfiction writers:

  • img LinkEds and Writers (LinkedIn.com) calls itself the “biggest and best LinkedIn group for editors, proofreaders and writers.” It's a private group. Once you're approved, you'll find it a rich resource for writing advice, support, and tips.
  • img Copyblogger's forums (copyblogger.com) consist of various specific and general subgroups.
  • Co-writers.com (co-writers.com) is where you can find collaboration partners or sources for ...

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