
This is a book about modern event processing and its current and future applications in business, government, and the Information Society. Modern event processing at the higher levels of business operations and management is a lot different from the kinds of event processing that are the foundations of computer networks and the Internet. The events are different, their significance and importance to various levels of management are different, and there are far fewer standards and a lot more chaos, confusion, and lack of defined terminology.

Business event processing for the right-now business is a 21st-century development, and it is growing fast. It is a technology aimed at enabling an enterprise to take action right now, the instant information becomes available.

One of my motivations in writing this book was to raise the level of awareness of the basic concepts about events and the different ways event processing can be used in business operations. But the field is expanding and changing as different kinds of commercial applications of event processing keep appearing. So the book is really a work in progress about a field of activity that hasn’t finished evolving.

The book was originally intended for people in business who wanted to know if there is anything of value in “event processing” that might be useful to them in running their businesses. But as it turned out, the book can be read by anyone who has some background in information technology (IT), and uses IT in ...

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