
John Craig reviewed this book for me and his help is more than a pleasure. Years ago I joined John in writing two editions of his brainchild Visual Basic Developer's Workshop. I'm still proud to have worked on that book, and I hope we continue to work together for a long time.

Simon St.Laurent is my editor. He's right about everything, which saves me a great deal of time arguing and keeps me from crossing the line of good taste. This is my second book with Simon and, as with John, I hope one of many.

The only other team members who've been with me longer than John and Simon are my family: Trish, Dorian, and Sophia. They've been patient with my programming jokes, take me to the beach on weekends, and find me when I'm lost.

Finally, I must thank everyone in the SharePoint community. No individual can do as much as those working together, and the newsgroups and sites mentioned earlier help all of us. I encourage you to ask and answer questions whenever possible. Several key people facilitate these discussions tremendously, and I'd like to acknowledge Mike Walsh and Ian Morrish for all their work. I hope they are well-rewarded.

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