Server Files and Locations

The following folders are found under the install path of SharePoint Services. Typically, that is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60.



Files and purpose


The physical directory addressed by the SharePoint Central Administration virtual directory.

admin.asmx (ISAPI filter for administration)


Contains the core binary files for Windows SharePoint Services.

*.DLL (core binary files)

OWSTIMER.EXE (Microsoft SharePoint Timer service)

SMIGRATE.EXE (Microsoft SharePoint Migration Tool)

STSADM.EXE (stsadm utility)

STSCFG.EXE (configuration utility used by Setup)


Contains the core binary files used by specific languages.

FPEXT.MSG '(error messages and text strings)

ONETINTL.DLL (core international binary file)


Contains configuration files and default values for the server.

*.xml (XML files used to map default values)

appwpresweb.config (configuration file)

adminweb.config (configuration file for the administrative virtual server)

gacwpresweb.config (configuration file)

layoutsweb.config (configuration file for the _layouts directory)

web.config (configuration file for virtual servers)

wss_mediumtrust.config (configuration file)

wss_minimaltrust.config (configuration file)


The physical directory addressed by the /_vti/_bin virtual directory.

*.asmx (SOAP protocol receptors)

*.aspx (form pages)

Global.asax (ASP.NET namespace definition)


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