Testing and Piloting

The implementation of MOM 2005 at Leaky Faucet is a significant event that will touch every server. To reduce the risk of something going wrong during the implementation, the MOM administrators have gathered the business and technical requirements, planned out their design, estimated how much data will be collected per day, planned out database sizes, and prepared the environment for inter-component communication. The next step is to test MOM 2005 and figure out what changes are needed. This is very hard to do until there is something to work with.

The director of IT requires that the following tasks be completed before the production rollout is authorized:

  1. Take every reasonable measure to prevent outages and mistakes during the rollout.

  2. Adapt the current support procedures to take advantage of new features. Prepare the support staff to use this new tool.

  3. Ensure that the new solution meets the needs of all the key stakeholders before production implementation.

The Windows team creates a test environment that mirrors the production environment on critical points of configuration, but not scale. It consists of a single management server, a SQL Server that will house both the operations database and the reporting database and web site, and one of each type of server to be managed. All of the consoles will be installed on the management server as well as on desktops. The remote site support administrators will help test the overall security and Web console functionality. ...

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