Quick Quiz

1:Which one is not a key initial decision for a new EDA user company?
  1. Design organization (who and where)?

  2. Network capability needed?

  3. Time-to-Market?

  4. Security requirements?

  5. Computer system needs?

2:Which is not an important factor in buying an EDA tool?
  1. Runs under Windows

  2. Offered by major vendor

  3. Cost/performance

  4. Have staff already trained on the tool

3:Most vendor tools are compatible with other vendor tools.
  1. True

  2. False

4:EDA tools training is usually not required.
  1. True

  2. False

5:EDA tools usually run quickly and use little memory.
  1. True

  2. False

6:There are many types of EDA tool licensing options.
  1. True

  2. False

7:Which of the following is an important standards group?
  1. IEEE

  2. Accellera

  3. VSIA

  4. All of the above

8:Design Flow refers to
  1. Fast or slow design speed

  2. Style ...

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