Tweaks for Specific Operating Systems

The following subsections discuss how to tweak IPSO's TCP/IP stack, Solaris, and Windows NT, as well as provide some changes to help the Security Servers function better.

IPSO-Specific Changes

Each of the following changes should be added to /var/etc/rc.local so they will be active across reboots. Most of these changes increase the performance of the Security Servers (which benefit from increased packet sizes) and also help general TCP/IP traffic.

ipsctl –w net:ip:tcp:sendspace 65535 # TCP/IP specific changes
ipsctl –w net:ip:tcp:recvspace 65535
ipsctl –w net:ip:tcp:default_mss 1460 # Should be MTU minus 40 bytes

Solaris-Specific Changes

All ndd commands listed in this section should be added to an rc

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