Exercise 6.1

Rewrite the following class definition to make it a class template:

					class example {
					example( double min, double max );
					example( const double *array, int size );
					double& operator[]( int index );
					bool operator==( const example1& ) const;
					bool insert( const double*, int );
					bool insert( double );
					double min() const { return _min; }
					double max() const { return _max; }
					void min( double );
					void max( double );
					int count( double value ) const;
					int     _size;
					double *_parray;
					double  _min;
					double  _max;

To transform the example class into a template, we must identify and factor out each dependent data type. _size, for example, is of type int. Might that vary with different user-specified instances of example? No. _size is ...

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