Exercise 1.4

Try to extend the program: (1) Ask the user to enter both a first and last name, and (2) modify the output to write out both names.

We need two strings for our extended program: one to hold the user’s first name and a second to hold the user’s last name. By the end of Chapter 1, we know three ways to support this. We can define two individual string objects:

string first_name, last_name; 

We can define an array of two string objects:

string usr_name[ 2 ]; 

Or we can define a vector of two string objects:

vector<string> usr_name(2); 

At this point in the text, arrays and vectors have not yet been introduced, so I’ve chosen to use the two string objects:

 #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string ...

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