Index of 5.0 Topics

APIs (application programming interfaces), runtime, 2728

applying Task.Factory.StartNew() method, 769

capturing loop variables, 521522


Semaphore, 835

SemaphoreSlim, 835

closure, 521

common keywords, 5

CountdownEvent, 835

events, CountdownEvent, 835

guidelines, capturing loop variables, 523

interfaces, APIs at runtime, 2728

keywords, 5


delegates, capturing loop variables, 521522, 523

multithreading, Task.Factory.StartNew() method, 769

thread synchronization

Task.Delay() method, 842

unsynchronized local variables, 816817

local variables, unsynchronized, 816817

loops, variables, 521522

methods, Task.Factory.StartNew(), 769

patterns, TAP, 920

runtime, WinRT, 2728

Semaphore class, 835

SemaphoreSlim class, ...

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