

Abstract base class

control adapters, 58

DataSourceView, 72

MembershipProvider, 158–161

and role provider, 181

and strong typing, 125–126

Access control list (ACL), 187–188

Accessors, 134

Account lockout threshold, 165n

Active Directory (AD) provider, 158

Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM), 158

ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, 165

AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync, 329–330

AddWebPart, 224

Administrative page, 138

Administrator account risks, 157n

ADO.NET, 70–71, 107, 320–322

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 185

Aggregation functions, 292

AJAX, 307

allowAnonymous, 134

AllowClose property, 206

AllowConnect property, 206

AllowEdit property, 207

AllowHide property, 207

AllowMinimize property, 207

AllowZoneChange property, 207

Anonymous ...

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