

2D animations, in CSS3, 94–96

3D animations, in CSS3, 96–98


A/B testing, 260

Abstraction, frameworks adding level of, 58–59

Access control. See also Authentication

granting user access to applications, 42–43

providing third party access, 235–237

restricting access at URL level, 238

securing server access, 227

AddThis, 285

Admin interface, logging messages to, 269–270

Administration panel, configuration options in, 41–43

AdWords, 284

Aggregating data, without joins, 46

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript)

Channel API and, 120, 124–125

communicating with server using HTML, 118–119

communicating with server using JSON, 116–118

communicating with server using XML, 115–116

handling messages on client, 122

handling page flow, 65

overview ...

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