

abba dabba search, 389391

adaptive Monte Carlo integration, 54, 496

adaptive quadrature, 4447, 52

adaptive techniques, 47, 469, 478

AdaptiveGridIntegration program, 47, 48, 496

AdaptiveMidpointIntegration sample program, 4446

AdaptiveTrapezoidIntegration program, 46

AddEntries method, 109, 506, 508

adding values

AVL trees, 278281

B-trees, 288289

2-3 trees, 283284


sparse matrices, 106107, 109, 505508

triangular arrays, 109, 504

addressing, open, 172174, 182, 183, 480, 514

Adelson-Velskii, G. M., 278. See also AVL t rees

adjacent nodes, 326, 327, 328

Adleman, Leonard, 412

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 398, 409410, 411, 416

after_me, 6162

age of brother, interview puzzle, 467, 475, 553554

agreement, consensus problem, 456

AIDS, Folding@home project, 439

airline connectivity matrix, 9495, 97

algorithmic concepts, summary, 477486

algorithm basics, 477478

arrays, 479

balanced trees, 482

complexity theory, 485

cryptographic algorithms, 484485

decision trees, 482483

distributed algorithms, 485486

hash tables, 480

interview puzzles, 486

linked lists, 478

network algorithms, 483484

numeric algorithms, 478

queues, 479

recursion, 480481

searching algorithms, 480

sorting algorithms, 479480

stacks, 479

string algorithms, 484

trees, 481482


approach, 2

basics, 123

exercises, 2023, 487490

summary of concepts, 477478

behavior, 2, 477

confusing, 6

correctness, 6, 477

data structures compared to, 3, 22, 477, 489

defined, 1, 3

efficiency, ...

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