Abenomics fails (Japan), 77–80

all-too-familiar bubble, 80–81

corporate structure, 86–87

demographic time bomb, 85

enormous debt, 82

justification, 83–85

Nikkei index, 82, 84, 85

velocity of money, 81

accumulated deficit, 33

all-time-high bubble, 51, 58–62

all-too-familiar bubble, 80–81

Argentina, inflation, 31–32, 185–190

asset purchase programs, 49

Australian currency, 194

Austrian school, 137

balance-sheet recession, 41, 43

Bank of International Settlement, 192

beggar-thy-neighbor policy, 135

Bretton Woods System, 43

brutal credit expansion, 7

Bush, George W., 191

Canadian dollar, 194

capital misallocation, 42

Central Bank of Ecuador (BCE), 36

central banks, 129–130

bonds, 51–52

Chinese problem, 40–42

constant regulatory changes, ...

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