
APT Arbitrage Pricing Theory
APV Adjusted present value
ARPU Average revenue per user
BOY Beginning of year
BV Book value
CAGR Compounded annual growth rate
CAP Competitive advantage period
CAPEX Capital expenditures
CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model
CDP Competitive disadvantage period
CEO Chief executive officer
CEQ Certainty equivalent
CF Cash flow
CFBH Cash flow to bond holders
CFFF Cash flow from financing activities
CFFI Cash flow from investing activities
CFFO Cash flow from operating activities
CFNF Cash flow from net financing
CFO Chief financial officer
CFROI Cash flow return on investment
COGS Cost of goods sold
DA Depreciating assets
DA Depreciation and amortization
DCF Discounted cash flow
ΔD Net debt issuance
DDM Discounted dividend model
DGM Dividend growth model
DPS Dividend per share
EBIT Earnings before interest and taxes
EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
EBV Economic book value
EGQ Economic growth quotient
EP Economic profit
EPA Economic profit analysis
EPIC Economic profitability of invested capital
EPS Earnings per share
ERP Equity risk premium
ESO Employee stock options
EV Economic value
EVA Economic value added
FCFE Free cash flow to equity
FCFF Free cash flow to the firm
FCFO Free cash flow from operating activities
FV Future value
FYE Fiscal year end
GAAP Generally accepted accounting principles
GCF Gross cash flow ...

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