Note: an f indicates a figure; a t, a table.


Absorbing, learning by, 34–38

mindful listening, 37–38

storytelling, 36–37

Accountability and discipline, formal structure creation and renewal, 130–131

Action planning

APGAR Scale of Family Functioning, 167–168t

assessment, 175–176

challenges and dilemmas, 172–173

decision making, 173

family functionality, strengthening, 167–169

family system, addressing first, 166–167

flexibility, 174–175

Iron Laws of Influence for Enterprising Families, 170–172

Levels of Success on Business and Family Dimensions, 165t

resources, 173–174

vision, articulation of, 176

Alignment with enterprises and family values, 88–89


balancing focus on past, present, and future, 116

balancing widespread ...

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