ABC Recycling, 100–101

Adichie, Chimamanda, Ngozi, 11

Al Fahim, Mohammed Abdul Rahim, 99

Alliance Building Services, 50

Amarelli family, 85

Amarelli (Pino), Giuseppna Mengano, 85, 13, 19

Apple, 14

Aravind, 14–15

ATF, Inc., 144

Audi Volkswagen group, 6–7

Automatic Manufacturing Limited (AML), 95


Beale, Andrew, 16

Beales Hotel, 16

Beaudoin, Laurent, 69

Berkeley, Bill, 48

Berkeley, Dick,

Berkowitz, William and Maurice, xv

Berkshire Hathaway, 78

Bichin, Karen, 101

Bombardier, Joseph Armand, 69

Breman Casting, 24

Brown Brothers, 52

Brown, James, 24

Brunt family, 140–141

Buffet, Peter, 78, 79

Buffet, Warren, 78

Burman family, 132

Business Families Foundation, 101

Butler, Brian, 40–41

Butler, Greg, 40–41


Canadian Association ...

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