Carry £1000 on you at all times. If £1000 isn’t enough to make you a little bit uncomfortable, carry the amount you’d love to earn in a day.


One day, my new mentor Jon asked me how much money I considered to be a lot. After some thought I replied “There’s not much a guy can’t do on $1000 a week.”

He laughed, and said that if I was only making $10,000 worth of sales a week (I was on 10%) then he wouldn’t keep me on in his company. This excited me no end.

He then asked me to do something quite strange, which had a powerful impact on my life.

Jon asked me to get my hands on $2000 and bring it back to him. I told him that I had $100 in cash, $500 in the bank and I had $1000 limit on my credit card. He said, “go ask your ...

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