
Note: Page numbers followed by “b”, “f” and “t” indicate boxes, figures and tables respectively.

Accuracy loss, causes of, 148–149
Accuracy measurement, 42
Alias comparators, 217–218
Alignment Comparator for Multi-valued Attributes (ACMA), 215–217, 216f
Ambiguous representation, 24, 24f
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 191
Application programming interface (API), 93
families, 95–96
GetIdentifier(), 94f
GetIdentifierList(), 96f
GetKeywords(), 95f
identity resolution, 94
Approximate string match (ASM), 47
algorithms, 47
comparators, 209
initial match, 210
Jaro String Comparator, 212
Jaro-Winkler Comparator, 212–213
Levenshtein edit comparator, 210–211
Maximum q-Gram, 211
qTR algorithm, 211–212
transpose, 210
Asserted resolution, 71
confirmation assertions, ...

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