
Adjacent result

A result that is comparable or analogous to a searched term; often produced by “Find more like this” searches.

Absolute boosting

Ensuring that a specified document always appears at the same point in a results set, or always appears on the first page of results

Access Control List (ACL)

Defines permissions to access a specific repository, a set of documents or a section of a document


A search involving one word with many different meanings, or in a search for an object that can be described many different ways.


A search application pre-installed on a server ready for insertion into a standard server rack

Approximate Pattern Matching

A process in which an algorithm determines the similarity between items, for example in spell checking

Automatic Indexing

An entirely automated process of converting information into an index


An automated process for creating a classification system (or taxonomy) from a collection of nominally related documents.


An automated process for assigning metadata or index values to documents, usually in conjunction with an existing taxonomy.

Average response time

An average of the time taken for the search engine to respond to a query, or the average end-to-end time of a query.

Bayesian Inference or Bayesian Statistics

A probability technique based on the work of Thomas Bayes (1702-1761) and used to determine the relevancy of a given document against a particular query.


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