Chapter 23. Exercises for Chapter 5

Exercise 5.1: The Remote Component Interfaces

The example programs in Exercise 5.1 dive into some of the features of the home interface of an EJB, including the use of the remove( ) method. They also show you how to obtain and use various metadata available through an EJB’s API.

Start Up JBoss

If you already have JBoss running, there is no reason to restart it. Otherwise, start it up as instructed in the JBoss Installation and Configuration chapter at the beginning of this workbook.

Initialize the Database

The database should contain the 100 rows created by a successful execution of the test programs from Exercise 4.1.

Build and Deploy the Example Programs

Perform the following steps:

  1. Open a command prompt or shell terminal and change to the ex05_1 directory created by the extraction process.

  2. Set the JAVA_HOME and JBOSS_HOME environment variables to point to where your JDK and JBoss 4.0 are installed. Examples:

    Windows: C:\workbook\ex05_1> set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.4.2 C:\workbook\ex05_1> set JBOSS_HOME=C:\jboss-4.0
    Unix: $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.4.2 $ export JBOSS_HOME=/usr/local/jboss-4.0
  3. Add ant to your execution path.

    Windows: C:\workbook\ex05_1> set PATH=..\ant\bin;%PATH%
    Unix: $ export PATH=../ant/bin:$PATH
  4. Perform the build by typing ant.

As in the last exercise, you will see titan.jar rebuilt, copied to the JBoss deploy directory, and redeployed by the application server.

Examine the JBoss-Specific Files

There are no new JBoss configuration ...

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