Developing the Node.js Thing app

Now, we will set up the app and write the required code:

  1. From the Terminal, once you are inside the AWS-IoT-Thing folder, run the following command:
$ npm init -y
  1. Next, we will install aws-iot-device-sdk ( from NPM. This module has the required client code to interface with AWS IoT. Execute the following command:
$ npm install aws-iot-device-sdk --save  
  1. Next, we will install rpi-dht-sensor ( from NPM. This module will help in reading the DHT11 temperature and humidity values. Let's run the following command:
$ npm install rpi-dht-sensor --save  
  1. Your final package.json file should look like this:
{ "name": "AWS-IoT-Thing", ...

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