Mirai bot attack

On Friday October 21, 2016 there was a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack that took place on a DNS provider named Dyn, bringing down major websites such as Etsy, GitHub, Netflix, Twitter, and Spotify.

This was a Mirai bot attack (https://www.corero.com/resources/ddos-attack-types/mirai-botnet-ddos-attack.html). All this malware does is convert devices running Linux into remotely controlled Bots that can be used as part of the botnet for performing large-scale network attacks.

Old router and IP cameras were the major source of devices that were used in the attack that brought down part of the USA.

You can read more about the attack from Dyn here: https://dyn.com/blog/dyn-analysis-summary-of-friday-october-21-attack/ ...

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