
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.

0-9 and Symbols

32-bit processor architecture, 83
64-bit processor architectures, 83


Access control, 159–163
groups, 161–162
permissions, 162–163
roles, 160–161
users, 160
administration of, 195–199
account administration, 196–197
rights and permissions, determining, 197
access control objects, 198–199
Account administration, 196–197
Accuracy requirements, 311
Active Directory, 101–104, 186–187
group policies, 103
hierarchy, 102f
Active–active clustering, 262, 262
Active–passive clustering, 262
Address Record, 46
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 66–67
Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), 97
Agent-based monitoring systems, 343
Agent-less monitoring, ...

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