Defining our stores

The TaskLogList and TaskLogForm views require stores to function. The TaskLogList view requires a TaskLog store, while the TaskLogForm view requires a Project and a Task store. Let's define them now.

The TaskLog store

We define this store with a helper method to allow easy loading for the task log searches. The definition is as follows:

Ext.define('', { extend: '', requires: ['TTT.model.TaskLog'], model: 'TTT.model.TaskLog', proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'taskLog/findByUser.json', reader: { type: 'json', root: 'data' } }, doFindByUser: function(username, startDate, endDate) { this.load({ params: { username: username, startDate: Ext.Date.format(startDate, 'Ymd'), endDate: Ext.Date.format(endDate, 'Ymd') ...

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