Review Questions

  1. What are paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials? Explain.


    (Set-4–Sept. 2006), (Set-1, Set-4–June 2005), (Set-4–Nov. 2004)

  2. Explain the properties of paramagnetic materials.


    (Set-3–Nov. 2003)

  3. Define the terms permeability (µ) susceptibility, magnetic induction (B), magnetic field (H) and magnetization (M) with reference to magnetism. Obtain a relation between magnetic susceptibility, magnetization and magnetic field.


    (Set-2–Nov. 2004), (Set-1–Nov. 2003)

  4. Explain how the magnetic materials are classified from the atomic point of view.


    (Set-4–Nov. 2003)

  5. What are the differences between hard and soft magnetic materials?


    (Set-4–Nov. 2003)

  6. Explain the origin of diamagnetism. Obtain an expression for the diamagnetic susceptibility ...

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