Review Questions

  1. Explain the concept of coherence.


    [Sept. 2009, Set 2]; [May 2008, Set 1]

  2. Discuss why two independent sources of light of the same wave length cannot produce interference fringes.


    [Sept. 2008, Set 2]; [May 2008, Set 1]

  3. What are the necessary conditions for obtaining interference fringes?


    [Sept. 2008, Set 2]; [May 2008, Set 1]

  4. Define interference of light.


    [May 2008, Set 2]

  5. Describe and explain the phenomenon of interference of light.


    [May 2008, Set 2]

  6. Explain how Newton’s rings are formed.


    [June 2009, Set 3]

  7. How do you obtain circular rings in the Newton’s rings experiment.


    [June 2009, Set 3]

  8. Derive an expression for the radius of curvature in the Newton’s ring experiment.


    [June 2009, Set 4]

  9. Prove that the diameters ...

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