Review Questions

  1. What are ionic crystals? Explain the formation of an ionic crystal and obtain an expression for its cohesive energy.


    (Set-4–June 2005)

  2. Explain the forces between two interacting atoms when they are brought nearer to form a molecule.


    (Set-1–May 2008), (Set-2–May 2006), (Set-1–May 2004), (Set-2–Nov. 2004), (Set-1–May 2003)

  3. Derive an expression for the equilibrium spacing of two atoms for which the potential energy is minimum and hence obtain the dissociation energy.


    (Set-1–May 2008), (Set-2–May 2006), (Set-1–May 2004), (Set-2–Nov. 2004), (Set-1–May 2003)

  4. Plot and explain the variation of: (i) attractive potential energy (ii) repulsive potential energy and (iii) resultant potential energy with interatomic distance, when two ...

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