

Abbreviations, in dimensioning, 422

Addendum, in gears, 676, 677

Aligned dimensions, 52, 398399

Aligned section views, 180

All-around fillet welds, 768769

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

on dimensions, 385, 386, 391

on orthographic views, 185

on threads, 308, 309, 315

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 185

Angled work planes, 127129

Angle option, in Constrain tool, 227229

Angular dimensions, 387, 408410

Angularity tolerances, 457459, 502

Angular shapes, drawing, 1921

Animate tool, 235236

Annotate panel, 172173, 389

ANSI. See American National Standards Institute

Applications Option dialog box, 3, 4, 174

Arcs, sketching, 3638

ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), 185

Assemble panel bar, ...

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