How Engagement Marketing Drives New Prospects to Your Door

Engagement Marketing is a powerful way to drive new business. When you get your Engagement Marketing cycle humming, your current customers, clients, and fans will engage in ways that are socially visible, which you can see in Figure 5.1. That social visibility is gold. When people see their friends and colleagues engaging with your business on Twitter or Facebook, that social activity puts your business on their radar with a referral thumbs-up. Social visibility uses the social networks of your current customers to expand your market reach.

Figure 5.1 Engagement Marketing drives social visibility


Socially visible engagement also provides a big boost to all of your other sales and marketing efforts. Likes, comments, and reviews are visible to new prospects and add third-party customer credibility to your sales pitch. Increasingly, search engines and the social networks themselves are using engagement data to rank search results. So the more engagement you generate, the more likely you are to be found by the next person searching for what you have to offer. In this chapter, we’ll explain how social visibility drives new business. Then, in Chapter 6, we’ll examine how social visibility happens across each network.

Engagement Drives Social Visibility

All engagement is good. Most engagement happens between you and ...

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