Chapter 14

The New Media University 1101

Social Landscape and Initiatives

Scholastic institutions all over the world are preparing tomorrow's workforce for a new generation of careers. At the same time, we are all collectively learning and adapting to the new landscapes of media, business, and influence.

In the previous chapter, or, in keeping with our metaphor, in the first year of your MBA program, we studied the rise of the statusphere, the focus of awareness on attention dashboards, the thinning of attention span, and the competition for being a leading source of intellectual stimulation. We also discussed the fabric of the social effect and the influential factors that propel social objects across social graphs, thus making them legitimately viral.

I alluded to filtering earlier, and this is where we continue our higher learning. We'll then follow up with a study of how people currently populate the social landscape, to help us shape and fine-tune our social initiatives.


Social media, for the most part, thrive on our excitement. We are part of a new (r)evolution that is defined through participation. However, our threshold for information processing is challenged. Part of this is due to what's referred to as social network fatigue (SNF) combined with the reality of information overload.

Social network fatigue is not well defined beyond its label. It refers to the phenomenon of user exhaustion, caused by too much interaction as well as spreading ...

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