

A tool, application, or process, that pulls together multiple feeds from content sites and brings them together in to one place.


A synthetic grassroots effort; a falsely positioned, paid, or deceptive campaign to generate buzz, visibility, and word of mouth (WOM).


The practice of being authentic, true, and genuine in online interactions.


Someone who is an expert or recognized pundit or influencer on a particular subject.

Authority (2):

The stature earned for a person, blog, content, destination, or network as measured by linkbacks (links to the particular destination) or connections (friends or followers) or comments, views, or tweetbacks (retweets or tweets of reference), or votes/thumbs up/+1s/Diggs, or a combination of some or all of these.

Being Yourself/Being Human:

Part of the problem associated with social media is disingenuous behavior. Social media thrives on authenticity and sincerity. The practice of being human, being yourself, or disclosing that the persona is representative of something else that's calculated and intended. Anonymous interaction is discouraged and usually disregarded.


A list of related, inspiring, relevant, or friendly blogs as listed on any given blog.


The act of assuming the presence of a person or brand in social networks. Squatting (taking or assuming a username before the true brand owner can grab it) in any given network is also a form of brandjacking.

Brandstream: ...

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