
New media is creating a new generation of influencers and it is resetting the hierarchy of authority, while completely freaking out those who once held power without objection. The truth is that most of the existing formulas, methodologies, and systems miss or completely ignore the role of new influencers to inspire action, cause change, spark trends, and recruit advocates. We are absent from the exact movement that can help us connect with those who guide their peers.

In light of the new media movement, how do brands approach this now? They spam the Web with useless rhetoric. (Who cares if you're on Facebook or Twitter?) They also distribute these horrible videos, uploading them to YouTube and then wondering why they never go viral. Look, you have seven seconds to entertain someone. If you don't grab them in seven seconds, then you can forget about someone sitting through the rest of the video—let alone having it go viral.

But if you know what people are looking for ... if you know where people are interacting ... if you know what moves people, you can engage the human algorithm to immerse viewers and trigger meaningful interaction and vibration across the social graph.

This is why we, we as in a collective of individuals who know what's best for us based on our passions, interests, and aspirations, are in charge of what compels us. In order to have any hope of attracting and earning our attention, you need to know who we are.

The roles are reversing and individuals and brands ...

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