Abbreviations and Acronyms

ABCP Asset-backed Commercial Paper
ABS Asset-backed Security
ACD Autoregressive Conditional Duration
ACF Autocorrelation Function
ACVF Autocovariance Function
ADI Alternating Direction Implicit
ADR American Depository Receipt
AF Arbitrage-free
A-IRB Advanced Internal Rating Based Approach
ALM Asset–Liability Management
AMA Advanced Measurement Approach
AMEX American Stock Exchange
AMM Adaptive Mesh Model
APR Absolute Priority Rule
APT Arbitrage Pricing Theory
AR Accuracy Ratio
ARCH Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity
ARMA Autoregressive Moving Average
a.s. Almost Surely
ASRF Asymptotic Single Risk Factor
AT Algorithmic Trading
ATM At the Money
ATMF At-the-money-forward
ATSM Affine Term Structure Model
AV@R Average Value at Risk
AZN Astrazeneca
BBA British Bankers’ Association
BBS Binomial Black–Scholes
BBSR Binomial Black–Scholes–Richardson
BCG Biconjugate Gradient
BDLP Background Driving Lévy Process
BESQ Squared Bessel
BET Binomial Expansion Technique
BGM Brace–Gatarek–Musiela
BHHH Berndt–Hall–Hall–Hausman
BIA Basic Indicator Approach
BIC Bayesian Information Criterion
BI(R) Binomial Interpolated (with Richardson Extrapolation)
BIS Bank for International Settlements
BL Black and Litterman
BL Business Lines
BNS Barndorff–Neilsen and Shephard
BRL Brazilian Real
BS Black–Scholes
BS Bühlmann–Straub
BSDE Backward Stochastic Differential Equation ...

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