Chapter 10

Developing Your Talent Network


check Using current and past employees to recruit new employees

check Turning rejected applicants into brand advocates

check Tapping the power of talent communities

Traditionally, people seeking employment have engaged in networking to find the best jobs. In this chapter, we turn that model on its head to explain how you can network to find the best employees. After all, the underlying principles and benefits are the same:

  • Networking extends the reach of both the company and the candidates, exposing both to opportunities they may never have considered on their own.
  • Networking filters out bad employees and employers, saving both parties time and resources.
  • Those who know both the company and the candidate are uniquely qualified to serve as matchmakers.

With the explosion of professional and social networking venues, including LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Twitter, networking is an increasingly powerful recruiting and selection tool. In this chapter, we show you how to harness your community connections to find, recruit, and select top talent for your company.

Leveraging the Networking Power of Current and Former Employees

Collectively, your ...

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