Chapter 3

Conducting an Employer Brand Health Check


check Conducting an internal audit of your organization’s employment experience

check Viewing your organization as an employer from the outside in

check Finding out how you stack up against the competition

check Identifying key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

Before pursuing any initiative to create or revitalize your employer brand, you need to take its vital signs to determine the existing strengths as an employer that you can build on, and diagnose any failings that may need to be addressed to strengthen your future employer brand image and experience.

In this chapter, we explain how to give your employer brand a checkup to determine its effectiveness or ineffectiveness in the following three areas:

  • Employment experience: How satisfied are your employees with their experience of working for your organization? What stands out as particularly positive or distinctive?
  • External perception: What is your organization’s reputation as an employer within and beyond the industry in which it operates? How well does this match ...

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