
Many people have played a part in shaping the thinking in this book. I would first like to thank those who gave up their time to contribute their perspectives on employer brand management. This includes: Helmut Schuster, Paul McIntyre and Jennifer Veevers (BP); Scott Read and Terry Hicks (P&G); Simon Riis-Hansen and Troels Wendelbo (the LEGO Group); Tom McCoy, Jorg Shappei and Heinz von Allmen (JTI); David Fairhurst (McDonalds Europe); David Henderson (MetLife); Martin Moehrle (UBS); Federico Giovannini (Ferrero); David Lee (Amazon); Dominik Hahn (Allianz); Ted Meulenkamp (Roche); Brigitte Franssen (Philips); Viviane De Paula (Santander Brazil); Greig Aitken (RBS); Dennis de Munck (Ferrari); Matt Schumacher (Monsanto); Craig Pocock (Nationwide); Yves Duhaldeborde and Krisztina Csedo (Towers Watson); Claudia Tattanelli (Universum); Gerry Crispin (CareerXroads) and Torgil Lenning (Potentialpark).

I would like to thank my team at People in Business, AIA Worldwide in London and TMP Worldwide in the USA, France, Germany, India and Singapore, particularly: David Richardson, Susan Keyes, Rob O'Keefe, Lori Charest, Diego Sanson, Rachel Kolbe, Rotraud Diwan, Lesley Rogers, Jennifer Smith, John Rosean, Emmanuelle Loye, Amy Pike, Jamie Haskayne, Martin Rimmer, Nathan Perrot, Terry Lawes, Steve Ehrlich, Janet Sippy, Val Moore, Sherry Jacobson, Russell Miyaki, Lesley Decanio, Danielle King, Thea Randall, Alec Drummond, Yazad Dalal and Pramod Chaganti. In addition to the home ...

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