Table of Contents


PART 1: Foundations

Chapter 1: Contemporary Theories and Concepts in the Psychology of Emotions

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Emergence of a scientific approach to emotions

1.3. Basic emotions theories

1.4. Bi-dimensional theories of emotion

1.5. Appraisal theories of emotions

1.6. Conclusion

1.7. Glossary

1.8. Bibliography

Chapter 2: Emotion and the Brain

2.1. Introduction

2.2. The major role of affective neuroscience in understanding emotions

2.3. The historical and conceptual legacy of early conceptions of emotions and the brain

2.4. Initial neuro-anatomical emotion theories

2.5. Structures in the brain and their functions in emotional processes

2.6. The prefrontal cortex

2.7. The anterior cingulate cortex

2.8. The role of the insula in disgust

2.9. Temporal dynamic of brain processes in emotional genesis

2.10. Functional connectivity

2.11. Conclusion

2.12. Bibliography

PART 2: Non-verbal behavior

Chapter 3: Emotional Corpora: from Acquisition to Modeling

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Building corpora: “acted”, “induced” and real-life emotions

3.3. Current emotional corpora

3.4. Coding schemes

3.5. Complex emotions in spontaneous data

3.6. Applications for corpora

3.7. Conclusion

3.8. Bibliography

Chapter 4: Visual Emotion Recognition: Status and Key Issues

4.1. Introduction

4.2. What is a facial expression?

4.3. Overview of facial expression recognition methods

4.4. Spontaneous facial expressions

4.5. Expression intensity

4.6. Dynamic analysis

4.7. Multimodality ...

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