Recommended Segment: New Constituents

How do you talk to your new constituents? A well-known marketer hit me across the head with this one day when she said, “They have not seen your best stuff yet.” She was referring to a company communication that we’d been doing for about three years. When someone came in as a new subscriber, guess what content we sent? Exactly the same content that everyone else received. In three years, we’d accumulated 36 past issues. Some of these issues were terrific; others were mediocre at best. Her point was: Why not give your new subscribers a taste of your best stuff ? So we listened. We went through all of our content and picked five emails that we deemed the “best” and sent a portion of them to every new customer. That way, we put our best foot forward, and they had a good idea of what we stood for.

What do you want your new people to know about you? After all, this is your chance to make a great and lasting impression. Keep in mind your specific goals for your new customers. Are you looking for another sale? An up-sell? Cross-sell?

This is also a great time to get more information from your audience. A well planned welcome stream can be used to gauge what types of information is going to be of interest to the constituent. I like to provide a wide range of information at the beginning of the relationship and hone in on the things that get the constituent engaged with the program.

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