Offline or Location Registration

If you’re an organization with both a web presence and a physical location, you have other opportunities for collection. Lucky you! Ask yourself the following:

  • Are you taking advantage of high traffic areas? This could be the cash register, the counter space leading up to the cash register (where people wait in line), your tables (if you’re a restaurant)—there are several places that your customers gravitate toward. Why not leverage these zones for email opt-ins?

    Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest. There’s a Mexican restaurant across from my office that’s always packed. On the counter leading up to the cash register, there’s a plastic box with a nice “Free Lunch” offer. To be eligible for the drawing, you just toss in a business card. The sign on the box explains that there is an email opt-in associated with putting your card in. This container is full every day. It’s nothing special, but it’s a compelling enough offer that people want to participate. Now the real magic with this restaurant’s program is how they execute on the opportunity to begin the relationship once they have an email address.

    Here is an example of the restaurant’s follow-up email:

    Dear Chris,

    We really appreciate your business. Thank you for having lunch with us. I’m sorry that you didn’t win the free lunch this week. That honor went to (insert name and picture).

    We do have a weekly email that offers several opportunities to save money AND to place orders online so that ...

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