Actin filament network, 142143

structure, 142

Activating transcription factor, 3 (ATF3), 10

Adaptive processes, 326, 328

Address-based growth policy, 109

Adipose tissue, inflammation, 311

β-Adrenergic receptor (β-AR), 49

antagonists, 5456

kinase inhibitor, 50, 5657

cellular responses, 56

simulation result, 56

therapy, 60

treatment, 56

mediated cardiac response, 49

β-Adrenergic receptor signaling pathway model, 49, 50, 52, 6470

mathematical model, 5051

construction, 5051

validation, 5051

schematic diagram, 52

signal transduction mechanism, 51

Agent-based modeling techniques, 9

Agent-based system, 26

Aging theories, 8

Aka symmetries, see Automorphisms rule

ALI BABA, text mining tool, 345347, 349355, 357

applications, 347

biological facts mining, 346

biomedical entities, 355

components, 349354

data flow, overview, 354

filter networks, 352353

graph, 346

editor, 353354

network, navigation, 351

relation mining, 357359

retrieval, 353

storage, 353

tool, 345

usage, 349354

Allosteric enzymes, 36

Among-site rate variation, 263266

Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 393

APD90, 5355, 57, 59

Area under the ROC curve (AUC) score, 205

Atomic action rule, 102

definition, 102

Attachment rules, 120

graphical representation, 120

Attractor identification, 238241

BN-attractor, 238239

definition of, 238239

worst case time complexity, 241

problem, 239

recursive algorithm, 239241

Automorphisms rule, 95


Background theory, 215, 219, 220, 223, 224, 228, 205

Basin of attraction, geometry, ...

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