Reviewing the training materials

Only you know your practice and how you and your staff deliver care. Make sure that the training materials reflect that and ensure that your workflows are embedded in the training. All the materials, including the main training manual, e-learning modules, pocket guides, and exercises, are key components of the complete training. Each training element is best utilized during different stages of your implementation and serves a distinct purpose.

Table 11-1 describes the types of training materials and characteristics to look for during your evaluation and review process.

Table 11-1 Training Materials



What to Look For

Training manual

Most-detailed materials reviewing all EHR system functionality; ideally tailored to your specialty, practice, and specific workflows; for use with instructor in classroom and remote training sessions

The material is relevant both clinically and to your practice; practice-specific workflows are embedded; the materials are easy to follow; the materials contain screenshots with step-by-step descriptions

E-learning modules

Focused on specific functionality or workflows; may not be specific to your specialty or even version of the software; great for initial exposure to the system or for use to review specific EHR tools; available remotely and can be accessed at any time

The materials are easily assessable; the modules are appropriate in length and content (most useful modules ...

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