Conducting assessments

When conducting readiness assessments, you have a wealth of options. Your potential vendor reps can recommend some useful assessment tools, and you can go online and search for them. You have two options here: a formal EHR assessment tool or a self-created survey based on the EHR goals you identify earlier in the process.

Several formal assessment tools are available, and some EHR companies create personalized versions that you can use at little or no charge. Most formal assessment tools are matrix format so you can view several aspects of readiness at one time. You then assign a number (say 1 for “not ready” and 5 for “ready”) to each category and/or subcategory, such as leadership, culture, organization, strategy, technical skills, training, accountability, patient involvement, budget, and so on. Here are a few formal survey tools that you can access online:

AmericanEHR Partners practice readiness assessment at

California Community Clinics EHR Assessment and Readiness Starter Assessment. Visit

The Info-Tech Research Group Templates & Policies Center EMR Readiness Assessment Questionnaire. Visit

Regional Extension Center Web sites

Figure 4-2 shows the EHR readiness assessment tool offered by AmericanEHR Partners. We recommend looking at a few readiness assessment ...

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